Ungated categories on Amazon

New sellers are often confused by the ungating process in the Amazon Launchpad Discord. Mainly, what ungated categories on Amazon can they sell?

Ungated categories on Amazon: What are they?

The good news is most categories on Amazon are ungated. There are only 4 gated major categories:

  • Jewelry
  • Music
  • Video, DVD & Blu-Ray
  • Watches

but several gated subcategories. For example, Grocery & Gourmet Foods has numerous gated categories: Baby Food, Pet Food, etc.

Looking at the list, it’s clear that these categories aren’t the bulk of Amazon’s sales. Categories like Arts & Crafts, Clothing, and Office Supplies are wide open. With my Amazon ungate guide, new sellers can almost hit the ground running.

Can I sell in ungated categories on Amazon?

New sellers can sell any product in an ungated category, with one exception. If Amazon requires the brand to be ungated, then the seller will have to get permission to sell.

Does ungating a brand ungate a category?

In the event you need to ungate a category, just find a brand in that category and ungate it. That will open up the category most of the time. However, brands in that category will probably need ungating on a case by case basis. Some brands you’ll be able to sell immediately, and others you’ll need to ungate.

Is there a list somewhere of what’s gated and what isn’t?

Aside from the links I provided above, no. You’ll never really know if you need to ungate until you actually try to add the product to your inventory. Some tools like Tactical Arbitrage and Seller Amp will tell you whether or not you need to ungate, but they’re not right 100% of the time.

This blog post should clear up some of the confusion and misconceptions about the ungating process. If you have more questions, be sure to DM me on Discord: Vanera#5587.